
Admissions for 2026 are open from Monday, 20 January 2025 to Monday, 28 April 2025.

NB: Please do not link primary school and high school applications.

Ensure that you have the following documentation ready in pdf or jpeg format before you apply online (scan as individual documents and name accordingly):

  • Copy of learner’s birth certificate (preferably unabridged);
  • Colour photo of learner (passport sized – an official school photo of 200kb or less is preferable);
  • Copy of parents’ identity documents;
  • Proof of residence (e.g. electricity account);
  • Proof of payment (non-refundable admin fee of R500);
  • Any legal documentation regarding the learner (if applicable – proof of custody/proof of sole parent);
  • Latest report from previous school;
  • Financial clearance certificate from previous school (MC004E). (Midstream learners – attach latest school statement in place of the MC004E.);
  • Completed & signed financial policy (MC004B);
  • Subject choice form (MC033 – for grade 10 and grade 11 applications only).

Banking details: 

Account name: Midstream College (Pty) Ltd
Account number:  4000 5069 863
Branch Code: 580 105
Type of account: Current
Ref: Learner’s initials, surname & year of admission

Please complete the online process once you have commenced with the form.